Friday, March 22, 2013

2 Cute Kids and Some Birthday Cake ( Year 3)

Two Cute Kids and Some Birthday Cake 

If you ask Little Miss Lucy how old she is she will confidently reply, " six." Contrary to her belief our wonderful ray of sunshine will not be three until September 22nd. So until then, we will be reflecting on Paul's birthday parties...and he WILL actually be six in October:) 

Paul's Buzz Lightyear Third Birthday Party!!!!

When Paul was three he truly believed himself to be THE Buzz Lightyear!  I'll never forget the time my husband bought him the retractable wings and I saw them for the first time.  There was NO doubt in our minds that his third birthday party would be Buzz Lightyear theme.  

The Cake: Auntie Katie ( Auntie Katie's Cakes) made Paul's Buzz Lightyear Cake.  Paul was fascinated by it! She designed the cake to be Planet Zurtron- his home planet. Paul insisted on wearing his Buzz costume with wings during the singing of Happy Birthday!
Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!
So Proud!
The Party: We had Paul's third birthday party at Imajine That in Lawrence, MA.  It is an indoor play place with multiple birthday party rooms.  We ordered food and soda from them, but also chose to order mac n cheese and some other goodies from Sal's downstairs. Imajine that took care of Buzz plates, cups, and balloons.  Paul's favorite part was running around and around with his friends. Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!

The Birthday Boy: This was the first birthday party that we threw outside of our house. Paul was so excited, he couldn't wait to go! Paul's class also celebrated with Paul in preschool that day. His teacher made him a crown and the kids all sang Happy Birthday to Paul Daniel. 

Happy Third Birthday Paul...We love you so much!

This Space Reserved for Lucy's 

Third Birthday Party!


Any suggestions? She LOVES BARNEY 

now!!!!!!! Oh dear. 

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